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Dance Class

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I am writing about dance class only because I am trying to think of ways in which Single men and women can meet up in low pressure social engagements unrelated to church.

I am certain I have written about dance class before, but mostly to complain about it. Your poor auntie put in something like 10 years of ballet classes, a few hundred dollars worth of Arthur Murray ballroom dance, was shoved backwards around a dance floor for the duration of her short and miserable first marriage, was driven to salsa classes through sheer divorced lady loneliness, attempted belly-dancing as an antidote to the drear of graduate heterodoxy and did a stint of swing dance at the University of Toronto.

The only dancing I have ever completely enjoyed, and did not make me feel like an oppressed elephantine dwarf, has been Irish and Scottish country dancing. Oh, and the performance of a Bollywood dance at my Canadian theology school's International Night. I asked an Indian classmate to do something, anything, to break up the monotony of endless Irish and Scottish deedle-deedle, and she said she would only if I did too. Teaching me to do a Bollywood dance was a challenge, but she did it. Sensation among Jesuit classmates.

With the exception of belly-dance, which I might have liked better with a different teacher, I see that these despised dances are all partner dances. Do I just loathe being pushed around by men, or do I just loathe close proximity to male strangers? All those sweaty hands. Urgh!

Listen, I can't write this post. I sat down to suggest evening dance classes are great fun and great opportunities to meet people, and all I can think about is how much I personally hate dance classes. But I know many people who absolutely thrive at dance classes.

Could readers who love their dance classes please detail why in the combox? Thanks.

Update po polsku: A young Polish gentleman of traditional leanings sent this in. Apparently it is about a dance class retreat geared to helping Polish women reclaim their femininity. Holy cow. Alert Jeff. Apparently even Polish femininity needs reclaiming. I would totally go, except my husband wouldn't let me.

Another update: I went through this announcement with my Polish teacher. When we got to the part about girls being wounded in shaping their femininity, I asked her if this were also a problem in Poland. She said she thought this was a problem everywhere.

REKOLEKCJE z t a ń c e m


Niezależnie od powołania, do jakiego wezwie Cię Bóg każda z dróg jest formą realizacji tego pierwszego i najbardziej naturalnego powołania, jakie otrzymałaś od Boga w momencie Twego poczęcia – powołania do tego, by być kobietą.

Tak naprawdę, nie będziesz dobrą żoną, matką swoich dzieci lub – jako osoba konsekrowana – nie będziesz w stanie w pełni dawać życia w duchowym macierzyństwie, jeśli nie otworzysz się na odkrywanie i przeżywanie głębi swej kobiecości.

Dziś – jak chyba nigdy wcześniej - młode dziewczyny są głęboko ranione w ich kształtującej się dopiero kobiecości, przez co nie mogą odnaleźć swej tożsamości, wartości i godności, jakimi Bóg je wyposażył. Uciekają od swego ciała, od siebie samej… A przecież to nie przypadek, że jesteś kobietą! Z woli Wszechmocnego nią jesteś i On przede wszystkim pragnie, byś w pełni żyła tym darem – On pragnie Twego piękna…

W czasie tegorocznych rekolekcji będziemy zachęcać Cię do wypłynięcia z Bogiem na głębię swego życia, by tam – w Nim i z Nim - odkrywać sens swojej kobiecości i słuchać Jego głosu.


Alicja Libura-Gil: nauczyciel tańca współczesnego
O. Konrad Małys OSB: liturgista


Termin : 16 - 21 lipca 2012


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Koszt rekolekcji: dobrowolna ofiara za codzienne utrzymanie i dla prowadzących warsztaty.