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Anielskie Single, Division Champ

Thursday, April 5, 2012
I am sort of confused about how votes were tallied, and how much weight was given to the "judges" and how much to the "interneters"---called the "internauts" by my Marketing Director--but it seems that Anielskie Single won in some way in the Najlepsza książka katolicka (Best Catholic Books) contest.

I think it is the champ of the "Literature" division, as voted in by the internauts. So thank you and dzękuję bardzo to all internauts who voted.

All the attention the book is getting in Poland is truly heartwarming. You can buy it in English as Seraphic Singles, of course.

So far I have had no luck reading the Polish version, in part, I believe, because the translators decided to write it in very colloquial and presumably youthful Polish, i.e. slang. Or so I am told by one ex-pat Pole who read it himself. I hope no-one at the May Anielskie Single retreat is shocked when instead of a black-leather clad hipster a solemn lady in a long wool skirt appears.