From: R
To: Seraphic Single
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 4:08 PM
Subject: single girl job hunting
Thanks, Seraphic, for your blog. I have a very high respect for your advice and constant attention to us poor singles who are so often shunted to the side of the congregation.
I'm 25 and am currently unemployed. I recently left (a month and a half ago) a job that was horrible for me on many levels, and with that decision knew a wonderful, never conflicted peace. Even now, I have no regret about getting out of there.
However, I am job searching and my beloved area of expertise, (for which I have two Bachelor degrees) is difficult right now because it's not the "season" for church ministry job openings (see spring and summer when most people have quit). I have made a lot of connections, even making contact with an archdiocesan vocations director and all of my well-connected friends to find a job in this field, but still, nothing (that is not located in the middle-of-cornfield USA).
I am scared of being unemployed, as I only have a month and a half left of savings to live on (and pay my student loans) and I don't know where I will go if I run out. My mother is poor and living across the country, my sister is newly married and living in a small apartment, and I have very little contact with my extended family. I feel very much alone in that I have no parents to really look out for me and obviously am Single.
But I recently was offered a job working in a restaurant, and as it would only really offer me enough to barely get by on (probably will have to acquire a second job). Also, and more importantly, I know I would hate working there. They want to set me as a "key employee" somewhat like a manager but not, and a feeling of dread fills the pit of my stomach when I think about having to do that in an industry for which I have no aspirations. Before the interview I felt as if I would "do anything" I just wanted to work, like the old American Spirit. But I find after further contemplation there is this pit pit pit in my stomach.
Am I being unreasonable? Which fear here is less important to listen to, the fear of being unemployed or the fear of being stuck in a job I hate? Certainly the money will eventually run out, but should I wait until then before I take something I so clearly am not cut out for?
Thanks again for your time. The advice of my loved ones is split both ways. I am of course praying about this, but for some reason I am unable to discern God's voice as clearly in this....
Dear R,
I am not sure what to advise, but I know I have a lot of readers in Church jobs, including Single Catholic girls with some clout in various Catholic offices (publishing, diocesan, etc.). Would you like me to put up your letter on my blog? And where would you be willing to go? New York? Chicago?
If you like my idea, please write a postscript in which you say what your degrees are in and how long you have been in ministry. I will put it up ASAP, and ask anyone who thinks she knows of a job to get in touch with me.
Grace and peace,
I DO like your idea! Very much so!
My first choice would be Chicago, and then I am also willing to do DC, New York or Boston. I have a degree in Catholic Theology, as well as one in Catechetics (religious ed) with a concentration in Youth Ministry, and I have 5 years of experience, 1.5 of which were in full time ministry with military teens. I'm looking for a parish (or something similar) youth ministry position.
Thank you so much. I wish I could really communicate my appreciation!! At the least, I'll offer Sunday Mass for your intentions.
Girls, anyone? R. didn't say so, but I think at this point she would be willing to consider jobs in her field in any large-to-medium sized city in the east and mid-west.