I always plan my WABW. I do. But there is so much going on in the elleDESIGNS world that I couldn't keep up this week. I just couldn’t! I am sorry! This was about to be my first WABW without a wine. I have not slept due to constant brainstorming; I have at least 22 inspiration boards minimized across the bottom of the computer screen; I have sketches flown around my office and the desk working on a million things. Am I complaining? NO! How I love it!!! If I could go talk to that 18yr old girl (with horrible dyed blonde hair I might add) who couldn't figure out what her major should be, but knew she loved to decorate, draw and paint and tell her that she would be a designer, for her career…well, I wouldn't. I would let her find out the same old, gut-twirling, nervous, following-your-dream way. More fun! I would tell her to stick to her natural color, though. Oh, and that Leonardo Dicaprio doesn't respond to fan mail.
Anyway! Despite what you may think, I am not a big drinker. I do enjoy wine, but I never drink during the day. Occasionally, hubby and I will have a bottle of wine with dinner and we will indulge a smidge if we go out on the weekend, but that’s about it. Today, was a day I needed to celebrate, and calm my nerves. Weeks of brainstorming, sleep-less nights, ended in an amazing way today. I will be honest: I was alone, in my house, with my pup and cats looking at me, as I looked at the wine rack and wine fridge for what would go in my glass. Cue Friexient Elyssia. That gorgeous pink bottle winked at me as soon as I saw it. Ooh, la la…Ok, gracious amiga! (get it? its a spanish wine...oh, brother...)
If you have something to celebrate, want an nice sparkling for a treat... or...its 1pm and want to toast to yourself...give it a whirl!