Dreaming Tree by Dave Matthews
...right now a bunch of girls with DMB stickers on their cars...and my sister-in-law...just peed their pants.
What do you get when you combine Mr. Make-girls-weak-at the-knees singer, Dave Matthews, with ever-so talented wine maker, Steve Reeder? Dreaming Tree Wines. This collaboration is causing some excitment to the wine and music world. Oh, and one more thing that will make the girlies squeal with excitement, the red North Coast blend is called, "Crush". Alright, Alright, I hear you from here…*
In case you didn't know, Dave is no stranger to the wine industry. In 2000 he established Blenheim Winery in Virginia, but "Dreaming Tree" has "Dave Matthews" all over it. The website & wines are pretty, interesting, unique and definitely that DMB style. The site says that when Dave and Steve met they found out they both had a passion for drinking wine and wine-making…and the rest is history. There are 3 wines being introduced (not soon enough according to the the industry) in Maryland next week: “Crush” which is a red blend of merlot with 30-something % of zinfandel popped in there for some raspberry jam; citrus & spicey North Coast Chardonnay; and toasty Central Coast Cabernet Sauvignon loaded with blackberry. They wanted approachable wines that were ready to drink and not to be put on the shelf for years later. I have mentioned what an oh-so-perfect name…*
Now, if someone asked me if I liked Dave Matthews Band, I would roll my eyes and say, No. (I know, I know, but keep reading..) However, no matter what DMB song comes on the radio I do not even think twice before rolling down the windows, turning the volume on full blast, and slowly bouncing my head to his heart-melting lyrics with a silly grin on my face as though he was singing to me (note to the boys: DMB {wink}). So, okay, I guess I actually am a DMB-lover, per se. Now, I am even more because his love of the environment!
KUDOS Dave! To all the planet-lovers, such as myself, get ready for this. The bottles weigh 50% less than typical wine bottles so it takes less fuel to get the cases to the stores. The grapes are not sprayed with ANY pesticides. They don’t cut down trees to make their labels; the labels are made from 100% recycled brown paper. The corks are sustainably grown. *
Oh, Dave Matthews, you sure know the way to a tree-huggers heart. What do you say we go to the car, roll down the windows, and you sing "Satellite" to me…?
* My husband had a 3 hour lunch with Steve Reeder, the winemaker of Dreaming Tree, this past weekend in California. My information is spot-on...if you will. And in Dave's exact words he wants "Crush" to taste like a "berry pie."